"There is how we see ourselves, then there is the beauty that others see within us."
So often we don't realise how others percieve us, we instead focus on our imperfections and challenges. PSA : everyone has the same struggles and issues! There is something magical about the moment the client sees the final product, the empowerment of a man or woman who feels perfect and beautiful. We can't achieve this in every aspect of our lives, but through makeup, it is momentarily achieveable. Photos and memories are forever, why not treat yourself to a little makeup?
The perfect makeup application is one that embodies who the client truly is. Every person, every brow, every eyelid, every jawline are all different. Each is unique in its own way, so they must be treated as such. The ultimate goal in makeup is to enhance and flatter the beauty in each of your features, resulting in a look that is still true to you.
.fine print.
LIABILITY : All brushes and makeup products are kept sanitary and are sanitised between every makeup application. Any skin condition should be reported to the makeup artist prior to application. Client(s) agree to release the makeup artist(s) hired from liability for any skin complications due to allergic reactions.
A 50% non-refundable deposit is required for booking. Remainder of payment is due prior to services being rendered in the form of cash or credit via PayPal.